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Showing posts from February, 2017

Pickled Red Onions

How many times have you read that my family loves Mexican food? Honestly, I am not underestimating the power of the love! It is our go-to, quick-fix meal at home. When we go out to eat, we usually choose something with a Mexican flair. And when we say we're craving something, it usually involves chips and salsa. What I have noticed at these newer, "fusion" taco restaurants, and the like, are the simple toppings. Where we are eating, at least, there is less about smothered cheese and gooey sauces. There's more focus on "less is more." Simple flavors. Simple ingredients. Big impact of deliciousness! Which then inspires me to duplicate it at home so that we don't have to digest the high price tag, too! For a school field trip, my boy cherub had to eat at a local restaurant. Not real sure what that had to do with learning Spanish, as everything is in English. But whatever! We did it. After all, it was apart of his grade. ...