Sometimes I hate having just a little bit of "something" in the fridge. Like "a little bit" of onion left . . . . . . or a little bit of lettuce . . . . . .or a little bit of cheese. You know; the amounts where you can't throw it out, because there's too much, but you don't really have enough for what a recipe calls for. That's kind of how I came up with this casserole we had for dinner the other night. There was just "a little bit" of some ingredients, so I combined them with other "whole" ingredients. If you want to make this, but you don't have the amount of the ingredients listed, that's OK. Just make due! If you have more than the amount listed, that's OK too! You have a choice! Do I use "a little bit" or the whole thing? Cowboy Sausage Casserole "a little bit" of breakfast sausage (maybe 1/2 pound or so) (substitute ground beef if desired) "a little bit...
"She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness."