When my girl Cherub goes to a party and comes home wanting to cook; we may be in trouble! Honestly! She comes home from being at a bunco party with my mom and tells me about two different appetizers she had that we just "have" to make! The next day, she gets herself into the pantry and starts looking for the necessary ingredients. Don't you know: we have them! She sets off telling me what she thinks is in the corn and bean salsa. And we commence to making it. She tastes. We adjust. She tastes. She gives the thumbs up. When my mom arrives, and reveals that the bunco host is going to send the recipes from the game night, my girl cherub says, "We don't need it. We've got it figured out. It's not that hard!" Well, I can say this about my girl cherub; her taster is pretty on point! That girl can detect flavors better than anybody I know! True story: We were having one of our favorite crackers and this is our convers...
"She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness."