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Showing posts from November, 2016

Meal Thyme

I'm so excited to announce my new adventure! This is for all of you who live in the OKC/surrounding area! Here's the scoop! I think meal time is one of the most important times of the day with your family; regardless of how big or small your family is! When at the table, with the TV off and phones down, you have some of the best conversations. But meal times are difficult! Schedules are full. Meal planning takes time. Whether it's coming in after a long day at work or after a packed schedule of practices; That's why I have "Meal Thyme." Each month, I'll have different meal kits, along with an optional dessert kit, that you can order. All you have to do is buy the meat, put it in the bag of seasoning, and throw it in the freezer. Then, when you're ready to cook, just thaw your meal and put it in the crock pot! Come home to a hot meal ready to eat! If you really want to "get fancy," you can add a veggie or side...

Egg Souffle Muffins

Recently, we were a host home for our girls' retreat at church. Let me translate what that means: I clean like a mad-woman for several days before, as if high school girls are even going to care about what the house looks like!  I spent days thinking through the "snack" menu and what to do for breakfast for them on Saturday, and through it all, the Mr. and my boy cherub leave the nest and are gone the entire time! So by "we," I mean me! But it was a GREAT time and I'd do it again!  The girls that were at my house were amazing! They commented on how good the house smelled . . .which I really have no idea what they were smelling! And they loved the pancake bar we did on Friday night and the were so appreciative of breakfast! They also drank a lot of coffee! Who knew!  I clearly didn't plan well in that area, but that's ok! Another mom was my co-host.  She was a trooper! On Friday night, she came over and helped me cook pancake...