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Showing posts from April, 2016

Strawberry Whipped Cream Cheese Cake

Seriously!  My cherubs ask, "What's for dessert?"  every night! I have created a monster! Sometimes I give the look like, "Why are you asking me that?" And I point to the pack of gum on the counter! Other times I will say, "Do NOT ask what's for dessert, or there won't be any dessert!" And then I surprise them with a cake! I wish we didn't want a little dessert after dinner, but we do. I'm trying to accept it . . . embrace it  . .  . enjoy it! The Mr. and the cherubs are wanting me to perfect gluten free pie crusts. But right now, there isn't the time to wrestle with that task. So this week, while really wanting to make a pie, but not wanting to be defeated, I looked at different ingredients in the pantry and refrigerator and came up with this cake. It was super easy and the Mr. and the cherubs really liked it! This is not a "counter" cake, as the frosting will need to stay refrigerated.